I had my 6 month check-up today that I was supposed to have, um, back in November (busy schedule, I can't help it). Everything checked out fine, except one of my wisdom teeth is impacted :(
The hygienist did a great job of scaring me about making sure I don't get an infection, saying repeatedly, "you SHOULD be fine." Yea, I got freaked out. So as soon as I got home I called my mom and was informed that with our insurance it takes 30-45 days to get approved for the teeth removal procedure. Great considering I have 2 weeks off in May essentially before real life starts and I've already got LASIKS lined up and it's getting to be about that time for the regular Dr. check-up. Way to get me while I'm down stupid teeth :(
That is all, sorry bout the rant.
On a lighter note: I successfully completed the first week of the "couch to 5K" program. Granted I can run for 15-20 minutes already, I do feel like I'm taking a step back starting this program, but I think the fact that it has a schedule will help me build up my endurance to run for longer periods of time.
Also in a very successful attempt to avoid studying for wound care, I managed to clean out my closet. Only thing is, you really can not tell that anything is gone; seriously, I have way to many clothes. I don't know what I'm going to do when I move out and don't have a walk-in.

The arms-ful of clothes I extracted from my closet to give away or yard-sale; didn't even make a dent.
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