Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Read, Laugh, Drink

Being on vacation, for me at least, means diving into some good reads that I've felt to guilty to indulge in during the semester. The book of choice for the first part of this vacation is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. When it initially came out I was intrigued but never picked it up. Recently, however, I've come across previews for a film version of the book staring Julia Roberts (my fav!!!) and this resparked my interest in the book.

First off, I love that I couldn't find the book because it was in the "Travel Memoir" section. Ahhh I absolutely love traveling and although I haven't read any travel memoirs, I think it is slowly becoming my new favorite genre. I find it so insightful to read about other people's travels, especially those who can write so beautifully and have really experienced something worth reading about.

So, I've spent the past several nights on the balcony overlooking the ocean, snuggled up underneath a fleece blanket reading, laughing (outloud sometimes) and drinking a tall glass of reisling wine while enjoying Ms. Gilberts adventures through Italy, India and Indonesia. I recommend this book to any and all who love traveling, love the idea of exploring one's faith (note faith doesn't necessarily mean religion in this context) and finding ways to enjoy life and love.

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