Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We're 2 for 2 with CraigsList Finds!!!

So since Stephen's moved into his apartment we've been hunting for good bargains to furnish the place. My brother told me about CraigsList and mentioned that he had bought cell phones, guitars and some other things from sellers on the site. So I was intrigued and checked it out. I love the furniture section. While a lot of the furniture is dated and not exactly stylish, I've been able to get a hold of some good finds which I thought I'd share.

The first thing we bought (actually my mom purchased for us) was what is now our kitchen table. The sellers originally purchased the table from JC Penneys and found that it didn't necessariliy fit with their decor. Turns out another man's loss was our gain. We purchased this great table at a great price and it looks great in the apartment.

The table itself is an antique white pedestal table which paired with these great sturdy white and natural wood chairs Stephen's mom picked up.

And today, we made our second purchase from a seller on CraigsList. While browsing I came across a pic of a great looking headboard. Well tonight, we drove all the way out to Bardstown and made the purchase. I must say it looks great with the existing decor and we couldn't be happier with the piece.

So... if you haven't scoped out the site, you should check it out. You do have to go through a lot of.. lets say "another man's trash" to find the good stuff but when you do, it's worth it, at least for us so far!

1 comment:

  1. that all looks so cute!!! i love what you've done so far :)
