Thursday, April 8, 2010

Root, Root, Root for cute MLB Gear!

For the past 2 years I've watched Stephen drool over his beloved team...the Yanks. So instead of trying to fight it this season, I have fully embraced baseball season and the Yankees. So, like any good female fan, I went looking for some cute Yankee gear to start donning when we go out to bars and the like to watch games (heaven forbid we may even make it to a game). Here's what I've come across and absolutely love!

I'm digging this iPhone cover!
I really like this top from Victoria's Secret, just not a big fan of the rhinestone embellishments

I do, however, love, love, love this V-neck from Nike. I think this is the one I'm gonna go with!

And perhaps a little something for the man ;)

Any sports fans out there? Which teams? How do you spend game night with your man and/or best gals?

1 comment:

  1. the yankees thong makes me want to share this once, as upon saying this it will no longer be a, secret... i think it's necessary that THE guy for me be a huge colts fan, as i would absolutely feel the need to rock the colts in thong-form! thought i'd share... as i know this will make you laugh ;)
