Sunday, December 12, 2010

Did Everyone get their Shots?

This past Friday was my last day at physical therapy school....ever, I'm graduating in 3 days!! The moment is completely bitter sweet and has got everyone remembering special moments, good times and great events that have consumed our lives for the past 3 years.

My friend Michelle and I were reminiscing this past week and I remembered a funny, albeit, awkward time in my educational experience about a year ago. Apparently I bonded with our cardiopulmonary and geriatrics professor so much so that she started sending me e-mails individually.

I remember one afternoon checking my email and I received this hilarious joke (it was very appropriate at the time if you remember all the hoopla about the "flus")

"What's the difference between bird flu and swine flu?"
"For the bird flu you need 'tweet'ment and for the swine flu you need 'oink'ment"

I thought the joke was hilarious and found it to be even more so when I discovered that I was the only one to receive the e-mail... I didn't know we were that close!

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